Tuesday, 15 April 2014

What's gonna happen?

Media is everywhere. People use it to pretty much do everything now a days. Its pretty clear that its here to stay. All forms of media and news rely heavily on social media and are frequently having to change to adapt to stay in the race of the social media world.

It will continue to always be apart of everyday life and a huge impact on the internet.

So what will the future bring? Let's say 10 years-ish from now...

What do you think will happen?
How is the media on the internet going to change?
Will Facebook and Twitter even exist?
What will be the next form of 'social media'?

I predict it will be something that involves being able to simply interact and share with hands free devices. Maybe some crazy touch screen stuff, but for the most part everything will be so digital that involves easy convenience to access the internet and make people that much lazier. Sure it will help with jobs and convenience in finding out news and being able to aid in career related tasks. But there will be huge percentage of the population that will spend countless hours sitting  in their home doing nothing and using social media to either do their job or spend it doing nothing.

I'm sure there will be lots of ways that a change in media will better aid society. I'm just not sure what that'll be. But I'm just old fashioned that way.

But with advances in media, technology will also adapt. Some for good, some for bad. What will it be?? Will we turn into blobs or will we find a way to cure deadly diseases and make clean drinking water for everyone in the world?

Let me know your thoughts.

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